The “hidden” Dangers of Yoga

When we think of meditation and yoga, images of serenity, inner peace, and well-being often come to mind. However, there is a “dark side” to these practices that is rarely discussed. In this article, we will explore some of the dangers associated with meditation and yoga, highlighting how certain positions and techniques can be harmful despite their popularity.

A common image associated with yoga is the lotus position, or Padmasana, coupled with the Gyan mudra, where the thumb and index finger touch. This position is often depicted online as a symbol of tranquility and enlightenment. However, Padmasana and the Gyan mudra excessively stimulate the “higher centers” of the energetic system, encouraging out-of-body experiences at the expense of the “lower centers” and grounding. This weakening effect on grounding aspects is accentuated by having the eyes closed.

These ascetic positions facilitate out-of-body experiences and consciousness expansion, but they come at too high a price. Practitioners of this ascetic yoga style often “forget” about materiality and can end up making foolish and extreme decisions. These positions turn you mystical.

Someone who is extremely materialistic and not very spiritual might benefit from practicing this type of yoga, but today, those attracted to yoga are already skewed towards spiritual aspects. Practicing “bad yoga” often only increases their imbalance and makes the problems with their energetic structure worse and more visible. Many of the people I’ve met in yoga would have benefited much more from martial arts or a style of yoga that favors grounding and balanced development of both high and low energies. They would have been much stronger.

Lotus-style poses are particularly problematic in an era where physical strength and willpower are necessary and vital for facing daily challenges.

Moreover, the Gyan mudra, with the thumb and index finger touching, further accentuates the stimulation of the “higher centers” of Padmasana and other poses at the expense of grounding. It should definitely be replaced with the triple finger Mudra.

This emphasis on higher energetic centers can make people feel spaced out or dazed, especially as I mentioned if done with closed eyes. In contrast, meditation done with open eyes can strengthen the mind and make individuals stronger, more grounded, and present. It’s definitely more useful and relevant today.

The lotus position is essentially an ascetic pose and has little to do with the modern world.

In an era where willpower and grounding are essential for dealing with daily challenges, asceticism is not a good idea unless you want to live reclusively in a forest feeding on berries.

Muscular atrophy from yoga and the “poverty consciousness” from an excess of mysticism are among the most common yogic syndromes along with hypersexual behavior and other syndromes caused by premature activation of kundalini typical of Kundalini yoga.

It’s important to note that yoga is not a singular practice, but a vast amalgamation of traditions and styles. Some forms of yoga, typical of martial arts, work in a more balanced and harmonious manner on both the “higher” and “lower” centers for a consistent and sustainable enhancement of energy.

Finally, it should be emphasized that our article encourages practicing yoga, but not haphazardly, without awareness. It is crucial that practitioners and teachers are aware of the potential risks and consequences of their choices, and in fact, today few are.

For further reading on this topic, we recommend the book “Hidden Dangers of Meditation and Yoga” by Master del Pe, an expert in the field. This book offers a truly deep understanding of the subject. I found it wonderful.

In conclusion, meditation and yoga can lead to significant benefits and make people strong physically, vitally, emotionally, and mentally, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks and the choices we make in practicing these disciplines. Awareness and balance are essential to ensure complete well-being.

Yoga can make you very strong, but it needs to be practiced correctly.

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