The Universal Virtue of Self Discipline

Harnessing Inner Power for Unstoppable Focus and Action

A few days ago, I read an athlete’s aphorism: “Only the disciplined are truly free.”

I really appreciated it.

There’s a lot of talk about this topic on the internet, and there are many interesting opinions on what discipline is and how it develops. Some contributions are truly insightful, while others clearly have confused ideas.

Let’s first explore what discipline is in esoteric terms and how its absence or excess affects this powerful energy.

We’re all familiar with the concept of the Trinity, and we all know that God is not only loving and creative but also omnipotent. In Hindu philosophy, for example, these three divine aspects are represented by the Trimurti: Brahma, the creator (light), Vishnu, the preserver (love), and Shiva, the destroyer (power), symbolizing the eternal cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction in the universe.

These three aspects (power, love, and light) exist within a person’s personality and soul in varying proportions. Sometimes they’re balanced, and sometimes they’re not. Imbalances in subtle energies significantly impact human attitudes and behaviors.

Creative Subtle Energy and Lack of Power (Self-Discipline) (Very Common):

This is very common.

There are people in the world who are volcanoes of ideas and creativity. They have powerful creative energy and often strong sexual energy but lack the strength — the power — to bring their ideas to life, to persevere, overcome fear, endure rejection, stress, and fatigue, and transform their ideas into reality. They lack focus and the power to execute and manifest, making them weak in action. Especially when the ideas are good, this is a great pity, as you can imagine. Weakness in the power aspect leads to slowness in action and vulnerability to fear.

High Subtle Energy of Love and Lack of Power:

There are very loving and kind people in the world, but they tend to let others take advantage of them, to be overly accommodating, and to have their time and energy stolen. They have a positive energy and struggle to say no. Integrating power into their personality would mean learning to protect themselves and to earn respect from those who, understanding their nature, seek to exploit their kindness. They must learn to use love with more discernment and intelligence and earn respect by improving their power aspects, which we will discuss shortly. Weakness in the power aspect leads people to endure others even when they shouldn’t.

On the other hand, those who possess great power may lack love or intelligence.

The worlds of politics and business are full of such examples.

One may have power and courage in abundance, but without a good idea and the right knowledge, one risks being ineffective and making a lot of noise for nothing.

You can have power and intelligence, but if there’s no love, you’re in trouble.

Using a gift like “power” in the service of the ego’s greed generates negative karma. The absence of heart is the worst situation because negative karma will end up consuming all of the person’s time, and they will live a meaningless life under an illusion. We’re alive to improve our karma, not worsen it. The energy of love is the first to develop to avoid abuse and dangerous accumulations of negative karma.

The ideas one invests in must always be good and honest.

Only then can one resort to spiritual technologies to increase the power and strength needed to manifest and achieve ever-greater goals.

Spiritual Anatomy and the Power of Discipline

Let’s assume you’re a good person with a big heart and ideas that can help people improve their lives. Good ideas. You have creativity, content, intelligence, and a kind heart, but you need to develop the willpower and vital energy to keep working consistently, withstand stress, fatigue, and distractions, and manifest the life you want — right now. How can you achieve this?

I’ll explain. The aspect of power is linked to what we call the “objective triangle” in esotericism.

This objective triangle is composed of three energy centers:


The Ajna is a very important energy center. It is often confused with the third eye, but it’s not the same. When developed, this center increases the ability to stay focused on a task. We’ll refer to Ajna as “focus consistency.”


The second center is the navel, my favorite. This chakra performs a series of crucial functions. The navel is the charging point of the system’s vitality and our body. Many people don’t know it’s possible to recharge their vital energy just like we recharge our cell phones because they don’t know the secret of the navel.

In addition to being the charging point of the energy system, the navel is the seat of instinctive intelligence, agility, and timing. Those with a strong navel chakra tend to make good instinctive decisions.

The Base:

The third center I want to talk about is at the base of the spine.

The base of the spine chakra, also known as Muladhara, is responsible for the strength of your bones and the energy in your muscles, and it’s the center responsible for action.

Those lacking strength at the base often get lost in chatter, thoughts, and emotions. This is because they lack grounding and are weak in action. The base is the esoteric seat of consistent commitment and action.

The navel makes you act immediately without hesitation. The base makes you act consistently. The Ajna keeps you focused.

Touch the base of your spine.

Now touch your navel.

Now place a finger in the center of your eyebrows (Ajna).

When these three centers are in harmony and aligned as if they were one, there’s a strong union between mind and body, a strong zen-like mental presence, and you embody the universal virtue of self-discipline in your behavior.

Consistent Commitment + Consistent Focus + Vitality and Timing = Universal Self-Discipline.